Reuni Server

Reuni Server is a core in reuni system, this server created following REST API standards. We created the server to handle every business logic and process, and also provide a security system. The server is coded in Golang and created to be stateless and disposable server.


  • Provide Authentication

  • Provide Authorization max at Service Level using User-Group Access Control

  • Provide a CRUD for services, namespaces and configurations

  • Provide a Agent-sync handler


To support statelessness in reuni server, we decided to use JWT as our token-based authentication with RS256 (RSA + SHA256) digital signature algorithm. The token will be saved by user and look like this:


And the RSA Key used in our system need to follow PEM format and look like this:





Authorization will check for every service accessed by both user and agent. We authorize user with the user-group that he/she become a part of, basically we use a modified Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). For the agent we authorize it using authorization token which is a random byte stream encoded with base64 that can be copied by user and paste it in reuni agent environment.


In our system, configuration that saved are immutable, and to change it the user need to create new version of the configuration. Current versioning method is by using serial number as its identifier that always increment by 1. User cannot rolled back the configuration to specific version, the only way to achieve roll-back is by create new version with the exact same configuration. This are chosen for better accountability and audit trailing.

Audit Trail

Audit trailing supported along with versioning, each configuration version created, we will save who create it to provide better accountability.

Secret Handling

Handling secret are the hardest thing we can think of, we haven't decided yet how to handle secret. Probably the best way is to use Hashicorp Vault to save encryption key.

API Specification

Authentication Middleware

Every user endpoints are guarded by authentication middleware which fetch user token from HTTP Header:

Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token> 

Get Services List

GET reuni-server/services

        "id": 2,
        "name": "service",
        "authorization_token": "",
        "created_at": "2018-07-24T04:36:36.902145Z"
        "id": 3,
        "name": "service2",
        "authorization_token": "",
        "created_at": "2018-07-27T05:02:10.312858Z"
        "id": 4,
        "name": "service3",
        "authorization_token": "",
        "created_at": "2018-08-01T04:26:28.463431Z"

Create Services

POST reuni-server/services

Request body should be formatted as JSON

Request Body

Delete Services

DELETE reuni-server/services/{service_name}

Get Namespaces List

GET reuni-server/services/{service_name}/namespaces

Path Parameters

        "namespace": "default",
        "version": 1
        "namespace": "development",
        "version": 51

Create Namespace

POST reuni-server/services/namespaces

Request body should be formatted as JSON

Request Body

Get Namespaces Latest Version

GET reuni-server/services/{service_name}/{namespace}/latest

    "version": 51

Get Namespace Version for Agent

GET reuni-host/services/{service_name}/{namespace}/agent

This method response exactly the same with above, but the authentication skipped and instead to verification to agent token authorization

    "version": 51

Get Configuration List

GET reuni-host/services/{service_name}/{namespace}/{version}

Response with list of configuration that are set

    "version": 19,
    "configuration": {
        "DB_HOST": "",
        "DB_PASS": "testting",
        "DB_PORT": "5432",
        "SECRET_PASS": "This is secret pass",
        "TEST_CONFIG": "Hello!!!!"

Get Configuration List

GET reuni-host/services/{service_name}/{namespace}/{version}/agent

Same as above, but designed for agent

    "version": 19,
    "configuration": {
        "DB_HOST": "",
        "DB_PASS": "testting",
        "DB_PORT": "5432",
        "SECRET_PASS": "This is secret pass",
        "TEST_CONFIG": "Hello!!!!"

Create new version for the namespace

POST reuni-server/services/{service_name}/{namespace}

Path Parameters

Last updated